Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm Sorry I'm Not More Entertaining

I'm feeling particularly bored and sullenly insular today. I notice that while my friends with blogs in other random third world(ish) countries have interesting, insightful or at least mildly amusing anecdotes peculiar to their location to write about, I...frankly, I got nothing.

Yesterday I didn't even bother leaving the apartment all day because I was too busy hiding under the covers like a depressed, unemployed person (Hey! How about that!) all morning, and then entertaining Egyptian dinner guests (who didn't actually eat any of the dinner we set out for them - and it wasn't even our cooking! We ordered from our favorite Lebanese restaurant!) all night because Blake wouldn't let me hide under the covers again til morning.

Quite an exciting day. Yep.

I did start writing a little short story about doorbells, though. Yes, doorbells. In Egypt, doorbells do not go "ding-dong." They go "" Like a killer sparrow has just divebombed past your head. That sort of thing.


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